4720 W Huntington Ave #H

Lincoln, NE

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(402) 484-5177

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Patient Testimonials

A fun patient to treat, Dr. Kallio was lucky enough to adjust Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame while he was in town for the Git-R-Done Golf Tournament hosted by Larry the Cable Guy. It may not have helped his golf game that day but his back sure felt better!


Here is what our patients have to say!!

Rob R – “My major complaint was shoulder pain preventing me from exercising to my fullest potential and keeping me from being as active as I would like.  I had done prior physical therapy, taken Advil and other over the counter drugs for pain with little to no change.  This had been going on for over 2 years.  My wife referred me to Dr. Kallio and I scheduled an appointment following attending their Staying Young Class.  Since undergoing care I have been able to do any workout I like without pain.  This has not happened for more than 2 years!”

Lisa R – “I came to Dr. Kallio with a sore neck and upper back pain along with a sore wrist.  To dull the pain I took over the counter pain medication.  My wrist had been hurting for about four months and my back and neck had been bad about a week before coming in.  Due to the pain I wasn’t able to sleep very well or turn my neck.  With my wrist I wasn’t able to apply much pressure and I was just weak.  I first was introduced to Dr. Kallio through a fundraiser for the Make-A-Wish Foundation that they hosted and I had a friend who sees Dr. Kallio that recommended I see them for my condition.  Dr. Kallio was very aggressive in my treatments at first so that the pain would quickly be relieved and it was!!!  I had a 10 hour car ride the weekend after my first few appointments and my pain was minimal and the trip was fun.”

Braxton R – Being seen for well checks and making sure his spine is developing properly.

Jeremy F – “I could not move my neck and there was a lot of pain when I first came in. Dr. Kallio saw me multiple times to adjust me, gave me rehab, and some great home exercises to do. I would typically get a pinched nerve every 3 months or so before coming in. It is great going to bed knowing that I will wake up pain free. My back and neck feel the best they have ever felt. Chiropractic care has helped a great deal. I have known Dr. Kallio for a while, as one of the pastors at the church he attends, but I have never had chiropractic care before. I am highly impressed with how I feel and how I am making my body healthier.”

Barb J – “I have difficulty with knee and lower back tightness. Both were relieved with adjustments, muscle stimulation and exercise. I noticed that knee flexibility had become more challenging over the past several years. Routine activities had become painful, and I could feel tension in my body. Dr. Kallio and Sarah were guests at a MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting where I serve as a mentor mom. Their presentation made sense to me. I appreciated the assessment and follow-up consultation, as well as the affordable, manageable appointment schedule that followed. I notice a definite improvement in how my knees feel and I’m very grateful for that! I feel more relaxed in general. The office is especially patient-friendly. Everything is convenient, making it easy to fit care into patients’ schedules. Dr. Kallio and Sarah are both very kind and caring.”

Kerri’s – “For me I had been experiencing headaches for several years.  I had been to other chiropractors as a child but had negative experiences so the problem had been around for years.  I knew Dr. Kallio through the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce and decided to come in and see him.  He has helped my problem so much.  The headaches are gone, my body and muscles are less tense and I am physically the most relaxed I have ever been.  I also brought my boys in for care. Griffin more for preventive care and Simon started at 7-8 months of age to get help with ear infections and sinus problems.  Dr. Kallio taught me how to “pump his ears” to help them clear and drain.  The result was much easier breathing for a very small child!”

Soulinnee M - “I was experiencing pain between my shoulder blades and lower back.  Also major tightness and tension in all my muscles.  My left foot had a lot of pain as well.  I injured it severely over 3 years ago and since then have had pain in the feet, knees, and up into back.  I gained 45 lbs since the injury because I could not exercise due to pain.  I felt very angry, tired and uncomfortable nearly all the time.  I had attended the Business to Business Tradeshow and got a screening from Dr. Kallio.  I decided to try chiropractic and it has helped me tremendously.  I ran my first mile 3 weeks ago! The tension and pain in my shoulders and back have decreased tremendously.  I sleep better at night and most importantly I feel better than EVER BEFORE! Thank you for everything.  Comfort Chiropractic has made a HUGE difference in my life!”

Jane G – “I initially came in for pain in my lower back. I tried taking tylenol but was not getting any relief. The pain in my back lasted for about 2 weeks before coming in and I was very uncomfortable sitting and standing.  Someone I knew suggested I go see Dr. Kallio because he really helped her.  I no longer have back pain.  The care that I received from Dr. Kallio was very good and made sense to me.  The exercises that he gave me have helped so much.  I start my day doing them and it really makes me feel good.  Thank you!

Branden B – “I was having bad headaches and some hip pain along with a little lower back pain.  Most of my symptoms started within the past year.  I met the “doc” at a Chamber of Commerce event.  I rarely have headaches anymore and my back feels 10x better than ever.  I have been sleeping so much deeper and my quality of sleep has improved to the point that my moods have been a lot more positive.  My workouts are more beneficial because my body is performing in a more efficient manner.  Meeting Dr. Kallio has changed my life.”

Scott R - “I was referred to Dr. Kallio by a family member.  He told me I would benefit from chiropractic care.  I learned through my initial visits that I had a moderate to severe scoliosis.  I have had this most of my life and didn’t really know it.  The curvature in my spine has been drastically reduced which will impact my life for the better down the line.”

Cynthia H – “I first came in with pain in my right arm and shoulder.  I had been suffering with this for about 2 years off and on.  I saw Dr. Kallio at the Lincoln Products Show and received a screening from him there.  I decided to try chiropractic care and it has really helped my problem.  I can do my job now and not be in pain.  Thank you!”